
Fat tire or Fat Bike advantages – Shengmilo e-bikes!

Fat Tire

Fat tire bikes are getting more and more popular, and that is happening for a very good reason. Bicycle enthusiast can now ride their bikes on difficult terrains, where was almost impossible to ride for many decades. Shengmilo™ Fat tire e-bikes are comfortable to ride on snow, mud, sand (beaches), and many other terrains. Maybe the looks are not the most important feature, but let’s be honest; fat-tire bikes look waaay better than normal tire bikes. So they look better, ride better – should be no further question of why they are becoming so popular, right? Another advantage with Shengmilo™ fat tires is the price, as it is the same or equal of the normal tire. We did that, to make sure our customers get only the best experience!

Aat bike (also called a fat bike, fat tire, fat-tire bike, or snow bike) is an off-road bicycle with oversized tires, typically 3.8 in (97 mm) or larger and rims 2.16 in (55 mm) or wider, designed for low ground pressure to allow riding on soft, unstable terrain, such as snow, sand, bogs, and mud.[1] Fatbikes are built around frames with wide forks and stays to accommodate the wide rims required to fit these tires. The wide tires can be used with inflation pressures as low as 340 hPa; 0.34 bar (5 psi) to allow for a smooth ride over rough obstacles. A rating of 550–690 hPa; 0.55–0.69 bar (8–10 psi) is suitable for the majority of riders.[2] Fatbikes were invented for use in snow and sand,[1] but are capable of traversing diverse terrain types including snow, sand, desert, bogs, mud, pavement, or traditional mountain biking trails.[3] The sport is sometimes referred to as fat biking or fat-tire biking.
Source: wiki

Shimano gear Advanced shifter

Shimano shifter for Shengmilo™

Shimano advanced shifter is one of the best on the market so there was not a lot of discussion within our Shengmilo™ team. The decision was logical, we used Shimano shifters for all of our electric bike models. Shimano offers faster and smoother shifting, without a lot of need for maintenance and cleaning. It is known as a long-lasting and very durable brand. With the right care, it will work as well as new even after many years of even decades of daily use.

Shimano, Inc. (株式会社シマノ, Kabushiki-gaisha Shimano) is a Japanese multinational manufacturer of cycling components, fishing tackle and rowing equipment. It produced golf supplies until 2005 and snowboarding gear until 2008. Headquartered in Sakai, Japan, the company has 32 consolidated subsidiaries and 11 unconsolidated subsidiaries. Shimano’s primary manufacturing plants are in Kunshan, China; Malaysia; and Singapore.

In 2017, Shimano had net sales of US $3.2 billion, 38% in Europe, 35% in Asia, and 11% in North America. Bicycle components represented 80%, fishing tackle 19%, and other products 0.1%. The company is publicly traded, with 93 million shares of common stock outstanding.
Source: wiki

Shengmilo high-quality electric bike can last many years!

Shengmilo™ high-quality electric bikes

Shengmilo™ high-quality electric bikes were made with many market considerations. We tried to developed and use only the best materials, the best available parts and include the best features, what our clients and users requested. Bikes are heavily tested and many modifications and changes are introduced, before we are ready to introduce new models to the world. This is why our e-bike reviews are always high and our feedback is mostly very positive. 

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Shengmilo MX21 video introduction!

Shengmilo™ MX21 popularity has skyrocketed in the last short weeks! If you wonder why you can simply watch the video introduction. MX21 is a foldable, durable electric bike with strong front and back dual-suspension absorbers and a powerful motor.

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