Shengmilo high-quality electric bike can last many years!
Shengmilo™ high-quality electric bikes
Shengmilo™ high-quality electric bikes were made with many market considerations. We tried to developed and use only the best materials, the best available parts and include the best features, what our clients and users requested. Bikes are heavily tested and many modifications and changes are introduced, before we are ready to introduce new models to the world. This is why our e-bike reviews are always high and our feedback is mostly very positive.
There are many electric bikes on the market so sometimes decisions on what to buy can be difficult to make. Thankfully, few brands like Shengmilo™ stand out with its advanced features and very high quality! Shengmilo™ bikes are made to last and to exceed your expectations!
Shengmilo™ is recognizable for our high quality, but also some other exclusive features. Most of our models have fat tires, which makes the drive much more comfortable and the looks much more advanced. Regarding the tire, our advantage is also mag wheel that offers a futuristic outlook and also gives better sustainability, as the mag wheel can not bend or damage as easily.
Are you somebody who wants speed, acceleration, and torque? Look no further. Shengmilo™ made sure you can get exactly what you want. Upgraded brushless motors up to 1000W are made to make your ride better and to make you happy.
Hola, los modelos MX20 y MX21 de 500w ¿están homologadas dentro de la normativa EPAC (Electronically Power Assisted Cycles) para Europa y España?
En su caso, requerirán matriculación como ciclomotor y seguro obligatorio? Como podría obtener su certificado de homologación europeo? Gracias.
Importante donde descargar certificado de homologación europeo.
Dear Luis,
Good News, Shengmilo electric bicycle has passed the EU EN15194 certification.
It can now be normally used on most of the roads.
Best regard
Only how do I get the power assisted motor to work